New Songwriter for a New Generation

Cavan Moran

Lustless Love/Loveless Lust EP

Review by Andrew Barclay



Cavan Moran, former front man with celebrated acoustic based outfit 'These Eyes Are Cameras' returns with his solo offering.

‘Until The End’ starts the EP off with some superb writing from Cavan, all wrapped inside a delicate melody. “I told you before, and I’ll tell you again, from the top of my lungs, to the tip of my pen” is a reaching lyric, and is just one example of how good a writer Cavan actually is.

The sublime start is followed by another acoustic goldmine of swaying melody and thought invoking lyrics in the form of the song ‘Hate is the Cancer of Love’. As with much of Cavan's material, although it does deal with love, it also deals with personal growth and observations about the world going on around him, and it’s this that sets him apart from the pack and onto a platform all of his own making.

'Lilly White' follows, and whilst comparisons to 'Wonderwall' by Oasis will certainly be made, I think there's more to this track than first meets the ear. Cavan has a way with words, and his somewhat unique turn of phrase is commendable in times when so many song writers are churning out bland nonsense.

The Traditional 'Moonshiner' is next, and is every bit as moving as the Dylan cover. It's an effecting song of pity, and Cavan's desolate vocals are so achingly touching that you'd never know this song isn't one of his own.

‘Railroads’ closes this tranquil and wonderful EP, and it brings to mind images of a lonely traveler along the rail roads of 1940s America in the depression times. You can almost taste the dirt from the dust bowls, as the words weaves a into a story, and its this gift of lifting the listener out into the wild plains of Americas desert land and beyond that makes Cavan so special, because even when he’s not dealing with the topic of America, the feel of the place emanates through his music much in the same way as Bob Dylan did some 40 years ago. In fact, I’d go as far as saying that Cavan Moran is more vital and important as a song writer now, than Dylan has been for many years.

Keep an eye out for Cavan’s live shows; you can download this EP free from:

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