MANCHESTER favourite girl band PINS hit the decks this Friday at Night & Day

MANCHESTER favourite girl band PINS hit the decks this Friday at Night & Day
Night & Day
antics Clubnight returns for the first of two Friday night spezials. Hitting the stage from 8pm are DUDS - A brand new Manchester garage beast has emerged to replace the much missed Abjects. Plus a couple of debut's from Lavender - From the ashes of the very short lived Saturn Grove comes this new psych-drenched-Manchester super beast and PINES - Folk-Psych sounds and more debut action from Manchester's newest stars.
Once 11 o'clock hits, the guitars are put down and the records are pulled out with Manchester (and possible the world's) favourite girl band PINS taking over the decks plus antics Clubnight DJs.
Expect the usual mix of cult indie, electronica, psychedelia and disco.
Or £3 on the door after 11pm
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