Richard Griffiths - We Salute You

Today brought the sad news that British actor Richard Griffiths had passed away aged 65. Since the late seventies Mr Griffiths has appeared in many huge films and TV shows and was always known as a reliable and well respected actor.

He is probably most famous around the world for is role in the Harry Potter series, but over the years he acheived cult status in many classic films. Here are some of my favourite moments featuring the genuine legend.

Withnail and I

A film that starred Richard E Grant and Paul McGann was bound to deliver some good performances, but Richard Griffiths's Uncle Monty stole the whole movie. He was rude and shocking, but at the same time had an immense likeabilty. if any TV Network wanted to pay a good tribute to teh man, they should put this on as soon as possible [after the watershed of course so children can't hear that nasty "c" word &#59;) ]

History Boys

In Alan Bennett's History Boy's Mr Griffiths played Hector, possibly one of the best teachers ever to appear in film. In all honesty this film knocks the spots off Dead Poet's Society and Griffith's performance is much more believeable than the hammy Robin Williams.

The Naked Gun 2 and 1/2

I love this clip, just because it was so silly. There are many "spoof" films around now and nearly all of them are dreadful. What made the Naked Gun series so successful was that every  actor involved played it straight and rarely camped it up. The aboce scene could only be played by skilled actors and Griffiths was just hilarious!


Richard Griffiths - CoolManchester salutes you!










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