Manchester Pride, the largest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) festival in the United Kingdom has been backed by the country’s three biggest political leaders, from the Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Labour parties.

Prime Minister David Cameron encouraged the mixture of sports, arts, films, parties and ‘Best of British’ theme which he stated “will be a great success. I also want to congratulate everyone who has been involved in growing Manchester Pride over the years; these events don’t organise themselves and require a lot of hard work, but they play an important part in the cultural life of our country and you should be proud of what you’ve achieved.”

Leading on from this was Lib Dem’s Nick Clegg, who said: “Manchester Pride is to be applauded for its work in raising awareness of the discrimination and difficulties affecting the lives of LGBT people and I would like to sincerely commend all those involved with Manchester Pride on reaching this very special milestone.”

MP Ed Miliband of the Labour Party actually took part in last year’s Manchester Pride parade, and exclaimed that he enjoyed showing his support for equality. Miliband said: “The popularity of the event shows just how far we have come in recent years in the campaign for equality from tackling hate crimes through to civil partnerships. I am proud of the progress we have made towards LGBT equality over the last decade, but there is still more to do.”

At a time where we are all coming to terms with the fact that there is a lot of disruption and contempt in the United Kingdom, it is fantastic to see the three most influential politicians in this country come together to support something as positive as Manchester Pride.

Jackie Crozier, festival director of Manchester Pride, said: “Regardless of the party you support it is a great thing to know all three main political parties, and their leaders, support the move towards equality for LGBT people. Manchester Pride are thrilled to have their support and now look forward even more positively to our 21st birthday and 2011 festival!”

Manchester Pride's 'Big Weekend' takes place from Friday 26 - Monday 29 August, and tickets are now on sale. For more information please visit:

Follow Manchester Pride on Twitter @manchesterpride

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