UK Prime Minister Issues Statement on LGBT World Pride

This afternoon Mr Cameron issued a statement on the Official Number 10 website:

“The UK has been judged to be the best country in Europe in which to live if you’re gay so it is great that World Pride is being celebrated here in London – especially during this Diamond Jubilee and Olympic year.

“I’m very pleased that the Mayor of London has enabled the march and events in Trafalgar Square to go ahead and I want to thank all the volunteers who will be stewarding the event and contributing to it.

“It is 40 years since people first marched in London calling for equal rights. Since then we’ve come a very long way and progress is still being made. We have just finished consulting on how to introduce same sex marriage and we are working with countries across the globe to bring about greater equality.

“I hope you all have a happy Pride and remember all those who have, and those who are still fighting for, greater rights and protection for the LGBT community.”


Do you agree that the UK is the best country in the world to live if you're gay?

On the surface this statement makes me feel proud to be British. Its seems we have come long way in comparison to other countries in the world. The PM didn't have to make that statement and the fact that he has is quite a big deal to me.

My only worry is that the prime minister may be one of only a few Conservatives supporting LGBT issues. The party has a history of some very homophobic policies - section 28 being the main issue of concern. . . I just worry that any move forward would be stalled by his "back benchers"

What do other people think? Do you think this statement is a big step forward or just words to appeal to the "pink" voters?

Let me know your views







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