People Like Us: Giving the City a Bad Name?


According to the BBC News website many residents of Harpurhey are unhappy about its new BBC Three reailty TV show 'People Like Us'

"People Like Us: New BBC Three series upsets locals

Residents of the Manchester suburb of Harpurhey have complained that a BBC fly-on-the-wall documentary gives a distorted impression of their area.

The Manchester Evening News reported that 200 people turned out for a "fiery meeting" on Monday to protest about BBC Three's People Like Us.

It gives a "biased and distorted" view of the area, Graham Stringer MP said.

The BBC said the show gave a "warm and at times unflinching look" at life and did not focus on negative stereotypes.

The six-part series follows a string of young people in the area, which was named the most deprived neighbourhood in England in a survey in 2004"

What do people think? Is this a true reflection on life in Harpurhey, or has it been manipulated so people can laugh at the "funny poor Northerners?"

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