Homophobia and Racism

well someone online has had a go at me for saying homophobia is like racism, I quote "THAT IS COMPLETE CRAP! WHAT THE HELL DOES THE COLOR OF SOMONE'S SKIN HAV ANYTHING TO DO WITH...TO EVEN THINK TO PUT IT INTO COMPARSION IS A JOKE!"

First of all, it's rude to SHOUT.

Secondly no one chooses the colour of their skin so why make judgments and decisions based on it? Wouldn't that be racist? Are you implying that sexuality is a personal choice? If you are then you really need to open your eyes to the real world. Do you think all those people bullied and discriminated over the years because of who they are attracted to chose to be that way? Sexuality is NOT A CHOICE [yes that was shouting!]

It amazes me that in this day and age people still have ignorant and uneducated of opinions. Parents must be so proud....

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