Has Christmas come too early in Manchester?

I was in The Trafford Centre last week and I paid a quick visit to Currys, while I was in there I was greeted with "Merry Christmas [War is Over]" playing out on all the speakers. I thought to myself that was a bit strange and carried on shopping...

During that whole shopping trip however there were reminders of Christmas everywhere. Decorations, Crackers, Cards... it was all too much!

Its not just The Trafford Centre. In Altrincham The House Of Fraser has opened up its Christmas department and a certain store [which I won't name bacause its embarrasing] has decorations up with banners stating "ITS NEVER TOO EARLY"

I don't want to sound like a Dickensian cynic when I say this and I know economically speaking its always good to be prepared, but if shops start Christmas earlier and earlier every year it will take away the magic of having Christmas in December.

I genuinely feel sorry for people working in these stores at the moment.

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