British News - Trust no-one?

"Girl, 13, crushed to death by a falling branch as she sat on park bench on the day her teachers went out on strike"

This a GENUINE headline from today's Daily Mail. There are SO many things wrong with this whole article that it would take a full 10,000 word essay to express myself fully on it. What it does highlight to me though is that there are no newspapers at all in this country that can give you a balanced, unbiased report on any news event.

Joe often asks me why I buy more than one newspaper every day, but I've always found it interesting to read a story from two different perspectives in order to form my own opinion...

Most media outlets in the UK however now have a habit of telling their readers what their opinions are, its so easy to manipulate someone into thinking a certain way. One of my favourite headlines recently came from The Star who declared "British children forced fed Muslim food." When you read further in to the story all it is does is reprot that some schools are offering children halal meat, that was all there was in terms of facts but by time the average Star readers get past the headline there are probably so outraged already they are ready to sign up to the English Defence League!

I'm not just singling out The Star or The Mail, practically all the papers do it. The average headline in The Mirror is "Government -BOOO, Labour , Yay!" and the Sun does the same in reverse. The Express has 50% of its stories slanted towards a Princess Diana perspective while the other 50% is a swipe at Madelaine MCCann's parents.

Anyway that's my rant for today. My advice to you when reading the news is one thing, "TRUST NO ONE"

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