Category: "Gay "stuff""

There are still plenty of reasons to be cheerful right now.

Summer is nearly over, but let's not lament about the end of the season. There are still plenty of reasons to be cheerful right now. Here are just a few of things that are putting a smile on my face right now... 1. The prolonged period of roadworks in M… more »

The best of the losers from the past eleven semi finals of Eurovision

The best of the losers from the past eleven semi finals of Eurovision
It's that time of year again... Eurovision! The Semi-Finals are in their 12th year this time, so that means that we have 11 years of them to go through! So I thought that I would go through the songs that didn't make it to the final, but that I think sh… more »


General Election 2015 - Incredibly Dull!

The democratic right to a vote is one of the greatest things to possess, but so many people in this country just don't use it. Why is this? A couple of weeks ago the general election campaign started and usually by this point I'm having heated debates w… more »

The Village Bakers Great Village BakeOff Sunday 17th August 2014

No Soggy Bottoms at the Great Village Bake Off   The Annual Village Bakers ‘Great Village Bakers’ returns to Manchester’s Pride Fringe Festival on Sunday 17th August where Bakers will be working hard to drizzle that lemon and firming those buns to creat… more »
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