Why I'm worried about Torchwood

So it's been "officially" announced, Torchwood will begin on BBC One and BBC One HD on Thursday 14th July - SIX days after the United States. Anyone feel like this a bit of a slap in the face to UK fans? I can't say I'm surprised though. Every announcement so far about this new series seems to be pushing the show away from its British identity.

From the tacky publicity shots saying "an original Starz production" to the announcements about cast and plots coming through from the USA without any BBC cooperation, you get the feeling that the BBC no longer cares about Doctor Who's spin off show. A show like this should be event TV but the BBC is keeping this one very quiet indeed with only one small clip on a compilation trailer with other stuff. In an age of bit torrents and downloading as well, you would think the BBC would be clued up to this and not broadcast it so long after is initial air date. Many people who read this will not admit it, but I'm guessing a lot of you won't bother waiting for the BBC premiere...

However, the one thing that concerns me more than anything else is the BBC collaboration with the "starz" network. For those of you who haven't seen the "classy" productions they have made so far like Camelot and Spartacus: Blood and Sand, two elements are very apparent in their shows, blood and tits. I know Torchwood isn’t a children’s show and deals with "grown up" issues but the show was never exploitative like the shows from its new co-producer.

The reviews and ratings of the last series proved that done properly this show can be a serious winner; I sorely hope that my concerns will be eased.

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