Torchwood Finale this evening

So tonight sees the end of what seems like a very long stretch of Torchwood.

At the beginning I haven't been impressed at all but as the series has gone on it has gradually improved.

I have seen the finale over the weekend however and tonight and I am envisaging a strong reaction from viewers on BBC One.

What have other people thought about the series? The ratings have started well and gradually dropped as the series has gone on. A lot of people have turned away from the show complaining about it becoming too American. I personally don't have a problem with this, in fact the only major issue I have had with the series has been some very dodgy writing from the one person I thought would have kept the show more like the original BBC version...

I'll be keeping an eye on Twitter tonight to see the reaction to tonight's episode, but feel free to let me know what you think in the meantime.

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