26th August, 19:10. Let's Kill Hitler......DOCTOR WHO IS BACK!

I know that a lot of people will be out at Manchester Pride this weekend but don't forget Doctor Who returns Saturday night for the rest of series 6 [32] and I'm getting rather excited about it all

This series has been one of the best in a very long time. I'm a  fan of the "new" series [ie 2005 onwards] but my heart will always belong to the "classic" era and I wasn't sure how the Moffat/Smith era would pan out. However, despite a couple of dodgy moments [lego daleks!] I honestly think that Matt Smith is up there with Tom Baker and William Hartnell when it comes to classic portrayels of The Doctor.

Be warned, in the next few weeks I will probably go in to Doctor Who overdrive, not only is the Doctor back but Torchwood is reaching its conclusion, Sarah Jane Smith will be back for her final stories and there are some cracking DVDs coming out in time for Christmas!


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