ME Patients considered dangerous?

It was to my surprise, and complete dismay that i awoke this morning to an article so biased and disturbing that i felt compelled to speak out against it. What was just as alarming as the 'message' was the messenger, non other than one of the UKs most respected new's papers, The Observer.

For those not fully aware of what M.E (Myalgic Encephalopathy) is, let me explain.

It's a condition that effects the central nervous system, possibly a viral onset (i say this with some doubt as no science has backed this theory up completely yet). What we DO know about the condition is that it causes swelling of the brain, spinal cord, and induces uncommen fatigue, which is to say many patients are bed ridden for months, years, and sadly, sometimes for life.

The illness was lumped together in the unhelpful bracket of 'CFS' (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). This tag was rejected by patients and specialists alike, as it didnt explain the central nervous system distubences patients suffer from, including acute pain, balance problems, blurred speach, and breathing problems.

The main axe patients have to grind at the moment is the proposed treatment of this debilitating illness. When something very phyiscal is going wrong with you, the last thing you want to hear a GP saying is "it could be all in your mind". Sadly, many GPs still believe this outdated explanation of ME.

Even worse than this, bringing me back to my point here, is when such a respected new's paper such as The Observer prints an article that compares ME patients to dangerous militents. I kid you not.

The article, released today, centres on the issue of researchers hired by the govenment (to the tune of £5 million tax payers money) being harrassed by way of death threats and hate mail. If this is going on, then its no doubt a small faction of idiots who are directing thier anger at not being taken seriously to the wrong people.

"Whats wrong with mentioning these kinds of threats in a news article" you might reasonably say to yourself. Please read the article, of which I've linked below..its imporant to read this.

Its the tone of the article which was non other than an attack of the growing number of people struck down by the illness. Yes, there ARE activists about for ME, but they are more concered with furthering medical science to help patients get the the help they so deperately need.

A very similer media campaign was set up against AIDS patients years go, which caused panic and zero understanding about Aids.

With articles like todays, its easy to see that the govenment is trying to bury the whole illness as the preserve of people whith phycological problems. The real question here is WHY. Is it because trying to treat a chronic phyiscal condition of which they themselves know nothing about is too costly? Maybe given the cut backs, who knows.

All ME patients are asking for, is govenment funded bio-chemical research to take place that will hopefully, one day provide an answer to the riddle of what causes this horrific illness, and to stop the ingnorance and indifference many people view the illness with.

But, with articles that mention words like 'miliant', 'death threats', 'dangerous' and so on, it's set's an already misguided population further into the frame of mind that ME is all in the patients head.



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