The best of the losers from the past eleven semi finals of Eurovision

The best of the losers from the past eleven semi finals of Eurovision
The best of the losers from the past eleven semi finals of Eurovision

Now we are in semi-familiar territory - two semi finals, 10 from each go through (9 to a public vote and a wild card from the judges).

This time, the losers were: Montenegro, Estonia, Moldova, San Marino, Belgium, Slovenia, Ireland, Andorra, Netherlands, Lithuania, Switzerland, Czaech Republic, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Malta, Cyprus, and Macedonia.

The semis were held on Tuesday 20th and Thursday 22nd May 2008 in Belgrade, Serbia.

We have another WTH moment with Estonia - from what I can tell it's something about cake - and with Ireland who decided that Dustin The Turkey was a good entrant for them, somehow I don't think they were taking it seriously this year.

I'm having trouble this year. None of the songs are jumping out at me as a worthy contender. For want of a better choice, I will be putting Montenegro in the list.

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