Categories: "Movies"

October 1997 was TWENTY YEARS AGO!

[image:292] I know that headline is hardly a shock, it's simple Maths, but to me it seems like a few years ago at most! Historically in the UK not much was happening.  Obviously,  too much had already happened in the previous month and after all the… more »

Daher review by Andrew Barclay

Daher review by Andrew Barclay
Daher review by Andrew Barclay     Daher is young Mexican singer songwriter whose debut 4 track EP is a fantastic authentic work and it’s a joy to listen to. Daher describes his sound as “healing” music, music to help soothe the soul. There’s no cool… more »

There are still plenty of reasons to be cheerful right now.

Summer is nearly over, but let's not lament about the end of the season. There are still plenty of reasons to be cheerful right now. Here are just a few of things that are putting a smile on my face right now... 1. The prolonged period of roadworks in M… more »

Retrochart August 1995 - Blur Vs Oasis

Can you believe that 1995 was 20 years ago? Obviously it is but it really doesn't feel like it. I remember the summer of 1995 being a pretty damn good one! more »

TWINK Film Review

TWINK A film by Wade Radford & Jason Impey       Wade Radford is NOT your average LGBT filmmaker. His work is challenging, engaging and always controversial. Wade, who wrote and starred in ‘Sex Lies & Depravity’ and the gritty prison drama ‘Boys… more »
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